And The Legend Of The Lost Heart
A Reading Adventure Game
I am constantly developing, and constantly learning new language and platform features, and software development management practices
23 years total professional experience in software development, product management, and sales engineering
2 successful startup experiences
Experience with managing small teams of developers and working directly with C-level resources
Broad experience across networks, servers, operating systems, databases, cloud, mobile, and HMD based devices.
Primary working language: C#
Secondary Languages: C++, C, Objective-C, Java, PHP, Shell Scripting
Detailed oriented and accountable to the team and myself
Manageable team player
Interacting with developers, different personality types, stakeholders, and C-levels
Searching and reading forums, finding and testing useful libraries, limiting forum & documentation code testing to current posts
Understanding that when an implementation is becoming extremely difficult, there is always a different way, which is often simpler
Ability to learn new languages, platforms, and SDKs quickly with an eye on whether or not the language is compiled or interpreted, functional or OOP, and whether or not it is low-level or not
Successful startup experiences as an early team member and co-founder
Voracious appetite to learn new language features and technologies
Technical Skills: AR/VR/MR
Vuforia (local and cloud), ARKit, ARCore, ARFoundation, Wikitude, Metaio
Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard
Occipital Sensor and Bridge (Mixed Reality), Vuzix
OpenCV, feature detection and tracking algorithms, homography
Images and markers, multi-image
Horizontal and vertical planes
Visual-inertial odometry
Lighting conditions, light estimation
Real-time occlusion & interaction of virtual objects by real world objects
Stereoscopic AR and VR
VR Controllers and HMDs
Technical Skills: Unity 3D
Unity API
Scene hierarchy, GameObject, prefabs, layers, tags, static flags, Transform & RectTransform, components, Monobehavior
Native plugin development & integration, API integration, Editor scripts/tools
Project Settings, Multi-platform builds, render settings
Coroutines, Static and run-time content loading (resources, external files, cloud), video streaming, render textures
Asset Management organization, import settings, asset bundles, Packages
OnGui & Canvas UI, dynamic & data-driven UI, responsive UI, Unity Inspector & in-code event handling setup, Graphics vs Physics Raycaster, layout groups, dynamic scrollviews
Mouse, keyboard, touch, VR controllers, VR gaze
Standard, AR, VR
Unity Services, Collab, Analytics, Cloud Diagnostics, Cloud Builds
Physics (gravity, colliders, rigidbodys), raycasting, complex raycasting interfaces (layers, Raycast/Raycastall, from mouse, from camera, between objects), complex 3D environment user interface and state
Photorealism, Shader & Material Configuration, Shader code updates, Standard, Specular and HDRP Render pipelines, Deferred and Forward, Lights & Lighting Settings, Reflection Probes, Post-processing
Procedural & data-driven mesh generation
Windows, iOS, Android, App Store Publishing
Technical Skills: C#/Azure
Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism (method & operator overloading), Generics, Interfaces, LINQ, Exception Handling
Data structures & algorithms (array, list, dictionary, queue, stack, hashtable, hashset)
Basic SQL (Insert, Select, Delete, Where)
RESTful API development & integration, XML, JSON, Binary
Visual Studio Code integration with Azure account for local testing/debugging and publishing to Azure
HTTP and Timer triggered functions
Technical Skills: Other
Android Studio (Eclipse) Development
Xcode iOS Development
Speech Recognition (PocketSphinx, OpenEars, Apple & Android, Speechmatics)
Geospatial data sets (Shapefiles, geojson, custom)
Physically based/realistic sound (Visisonics, MS Acoustics)
Mobile app publishing
2D and 3D automated lip-syncing
Product Management Skills
Requirements development with teams
Software architecture
Defect and issue tracking (JIRA, Smartbear, homegrown)
Unity 3D, Unity Hub, Unity Web Portal, Unity Asset Store, Unity Package Manager
Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code
Xcode, Android Studio/Eclipse
Git (and proper .gitignore for Unity), SourceTree, WinMerge
Basic Maya
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere
Azure Web Portal
Technical Skills: Basic and Learning
These are skills that I am currently learning from books and tutorials, may have used in some projects lightly, and hoping to work into existing or new projects.
Photon Engine for multi-player in Unity 3D
Unity 3D Reflect (AEC design software integration with BIM data)
Microservices architecture for complex projects
Unity 3D DOTS and Job System for optimization and to utilize multi-threading in a safe way, and to use the entity system without the weight of Monobehavior
Unity 3D Advanced Profiling and Optimization (static and dynamic batching, set pass calls)
Events, Delegates, Tuples
Software design patterns, game design patterns
Sorts, searches, linked lists, binary trees, graphs
Covariance and contravariance
VRWorks Audio
C#/.NET Entity Framework (code first and database first)